TEST Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor Training (Copy)

TEST Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor Training (Copy)
Next Instructor Training course dates and location to be advised shortly.
OA advanced instructor course will run over 2.5 days
Training price is $1650. A $500 deposit is required at checkout to reserve a slot.
Includes 3 x 1 hour zoom sessions to follow up and make sure exams and case studies are complete or to assist with any mentoring.
Sports mask, Myotape, nasal dilators and an Oxygen Advantage shirt are all included in the price of course. The online content associated with the course is also amazing.
Build invincible breathing for the mind, body and sports with scientifically backed breathing techniques that optimise health, mental clarity and performance. performance
The Advanced Instructor Training course is a combination of 2.5 days face to face learning + Online Training and includes multiple breathing exercises, assessment tools and a comprehensive Instructor Training Manual.
Please email Dean if you have questions or want to line up a call.