Online Ice Bath Instructor Course

Online Ice Bath Instructor Course


The Power of the Breath Certified Ice Bath Instructor Online, Self Paced Training facilitated by Dean Gladstone and Katy Graczer, accredited by IHPM.

The International Comprehensive Accreditation for Cold Exposure Practical and Theoretical Training - the first of its kind  in ANZ. 

Qualify as a Certified Ice Bath Facilitator/Instructor via our Self Paced Online Course.

What the course fee includes:

  • 4 x recorded video sessions

  • Community Coach Chat (200 coaches)

  • Ongoing support from Dean after the course is complete

  • Access to the Power of the Breath scientific research library

  • ‘Ice Bath Coach’ hat and t-shirt

  • Digital Workbook

Since my first Icebath in 2014 we have successfully empowered over 10,000 people through Cold Water Therapy, changing lives and building healthy habits. 

By providing a variety of tools and techniques to support teachers, trainers and cold enthusiasts, we will ensure you are fully prepared and supported to facilitate cold therapy. 

You can expect to learn about the 3 primary pillars of Cold Water Immersion and Managing and Influencing Stress (Including how and why to optimally breathe before the Icebath and how to manage your client’s posture and breath during the cold water experience)

Together we will explore how to masterfully guide others in these nervous system regulation practices via an online course on Zoom. Participants will understand the science behind cold therapy, benefits and contraindications, how to market and run events with ease and the building blocks to understanding how to facilitate an immersive ice bath event. Understanding your clients, environment and managing unexpected events are all included. You’ll become part of Australia’s leading Cold Immersion Community of established and experienced Ice Bath Coaches

  • Unfortunately other providers are starting to copy my content and even the name of my course. Its easy to check there experience. If you flick back through my Instagram I have been studying this and using these techniques for the last 10 years. When you have a look at others experience (a quick flick a year or two back in Instagram will do that) it quickly shows they have jumped on the bandwagon in attempt to cash in on current popularity of Cold water Therapy. Safety is the underlying principle of what we teach. We proudly started doing this in ANZ before anyone else. There are now 200 instructors in our community world wide its growing and the continual education and support improves the safety of powerful modality for all.
