Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor Training - Second instalment

Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor Training - Second instalment


3-Day Intensive OA Advanced Instructor Training.

Full Price - AUD $1,799
Deposit Paid - $500

Remaining Balance due - $1,299

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Topics taught during the training:

Introduction to Oxygen Advantage
Screening for breathing pattern disorders in sports
The relationship between breathing patterns and functional movement Science of respiratory physiology
Practical application of OA

Increasing oxygen uptake during rest and physical exercise Nose breathing
Nasal breathing during physical exercise
Nasal breathing workload during physical exercise Exercise-induced asthma

Addressing Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) Improving sleep quality for focus and performance Practical application of OA

BOLT (comfortable breath-hold time) measurement Maximum Breathlessness Test (MBT)
Intermittent hypoxic hypercapnic training (IHHT) IHHT and team sports

Practical application of OA

Delay the Onset of Lactic Acid and Fatigue Long-term effects of breath-holding Increase aerobic capacity
Practical application of OA

Pre-competition preparation
Oxygen Advantage® and the Wim Hof Method Increased Creativity
Program based on BOLT score, age and state of health Tailoring exercises to individual athletes
Nasal obstruction resulting in strong air hunger Training format week one to week four onward

Heart rate variability Weightlifting Intra-abdominal pressure Core control

Improve respiratory muscle strength Teaching the Oxygen Advantage

Get in the Zone with Atomic Focus

Breathing Exercises taught:

1. Get in the zone
2. Clear your head
3. Deep sleep
4. Feel calm but focused
5. Give your brain an oxygen boost — Breathe Light 6. Breathe Light using SportsMask

7. Activate your relaxation response — Breathe Slow
8. Calm your body and mind — Breathe Deep
9. When stress strikes — mind recovery on tap
10. When you’re highly stressed — Breathing Recovery, Sitting
11. For repetitive, negative thinking — Breathing Recovery, Walking 12. A quick refresher — get a dose of oxygen when you need it

13. Flow for public speaking/peak performance states 14. Get out of your head
15. Preparing for competition
16. Breathing for running
17. Morning wake-up
18. For irregular everyday breathing

Please email Dean if you have questions or want to line up a call.


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